Thursday, March 18, 2010


how do I stop the anonymous comments on my blog, they are so annoying and usually utter rubbish. Can any of you help?


Dawn said...

Hi Julie, I have been having the same problem and so have had to change the security of who can post now.
Spring at last eh? luv Dawn x

lynn said...

hi jules i think you have to request to your blog account or something ..aren't some people awful..i hope it is not too distressing as we MISS YOU...lynnie from oz

Jeannette said...

What I do is allow anyone to comment but then review all comments before they are published. This can be set up in your commnet's setting. Not only are there folks who go around pasting in weird comments, there are "bots" that are dropping ads everywhere. You might be able to go in and delete the comments that you don't want. I have never tried that. It is your blog and it is a shame to inadvertently host graffitti ( have I been too generous with f's and t's in that word?...I must go drink my cofffeee.)

I love your sunflowers and hope to read a bit more of your blog. Thank you. P.S. Slugs and snails are notorious night time nibblers and love young plants.

Alistair said...


Ref your 'spam' comments problem:


Check the important boxes on:

who can comment
Comment moderation - this will allow you to review comments before deciding to publish them to your blog or not.
word verification - this inserts a check word verification that commentors have to complete before they can post. This stops those pesky automated/chinese script comments that sometimes appea.

That should solve your problem.

kind regards.....Al.

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